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contoh kalimat light fixture

"light fixture" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Rain trickled down through the plaster and the light fixtures.
    Hujan merembes dan lampu mati.
  • Structurally, you'd put the explosive in that light fixture.
    Secara struktur, kau taruh peledak dalam lampu bohlam itu.
  • Did you take apart the lighting fixture in our bathroom?
    Apa kau yang membongkar peralatan cahaya dikamar mandi kita?
  • He's even changed the light fixtures.
    Bahkan ia mengganti tempat lampunya.
  • Underground lighting fixtures – Quality Supplier from China
    underground lighting fixtures – kualitas pemasok dari Cina
  • Medium industrial electrical trunkings, shelvings, light fixtures, machinery ect.
    Trunkings industri menengah, shelvings, lampu, mesin ect.
  • The finest way to suspend lighting fixtures available
    Cara terbaik untuk menangguhkan perlengkapan pencahayaan yang tersedia
  • 1. Quick to suspend lighting fixtures during the installation;
    1. Cepat menangguhkan perlengkapan pencahayaan selama pemasangan;
  • 60W Residential Lighting Fixtures Halogen Garden Lights HGL077001
    60W Perlengkapan pencahayaan Residential Halogen Lampu Taman HGL077001
  • T5 Display Case Lights For Furniture Lighting Fixture
    T5 Tampilan Kasus Lampu Untuk Furniture Lighting Fixture
  • LED Linea Cabinet light for commercial lighting fixture
    Kabinet Linea LED cahaya untuk komersial pencahayaan fixture
  • Attach the lighting fixture to the bracket using screws
    Pasang perlengkapan lampu ke braket menggunakan sekrup
  • Led Under Cabinet Lights For Furniture Lighting fixtures
    Dipimpin bawah Kabinet Lampu Untuk Furniture Pencahayaan perlengkapan
  • Indoor fancy wall light fixture for decorate room
    Perlengkapan dinding indoor yang mewah untuk ruangan hiasan
  • Decorative lighting fixture crystal led light for hotel
    perlengkapan pencahayaan dekoratif kristal dipimpin cahaya untuk hotel
  • Wall light fixtures lamps home decor new products
    lampu dinding lampu lampu hiasan rumah produk baru
  • High Power Outdoor Lighting Fixture LED High ...
    Tinggi Lumen proyektor Outdoor LED lampu LED ...
  • One Steel clip fixed to the lighting fixture;
    Satu klip Baja terpasang pada fixture pencahayaan;
  • Medium industrial electrical trunkings, shelvings, light fixtures, machinery ect.
    Menengah trunkings listrik industri, shelvings, lampu, mesin dll.
  • Medium industrial electrical trunkings, shelvings, light fixtures, machinery ect.
    Sedang trunkings industri listrik, shelvings, lampu, mesin dll.
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